Social Media Guide

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  Social Media Guide

Share your story

Social media is a powerful tool for fundraising and we recommend including a personal appeal on your social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Tips for Social Media

  • Share updates about your progress and any other stories that are relevant to your fundraising campaign. People love hearing about your progress.
  • Make your content catchy, snappy, and interesting to help capture people’s attention.
  • Use social media for timely shout-outs to your donors thanking them for supporting you (tag them so they and their friends see it). This technique often inspires others to give after they see a recognizable name or want their own shout-out.
  • People love hearing about a large gift that moved your campaign forward or a contribution that came in from a surprise donor. Maybe an old high school friend was touched by your appeal, or a group of kids raised money on your behalf. Share these stories.
  • Use images to grab attention. Handwrite your appeal on a piece of cardboard and take a "selfie" or include an image that best represents your event to you. Short video appeals work too.
  • Make sure you always include the link to your fundraising page in your social media posts. Make it as easy as possible for someone to donate to you.

Example 1:
"Today, I want to raise $300 for Covenant House Vancouver. Why $300? Because it will enable one vulnerable youth to come in from the streets and stay for a night in the Crisis Program, with access to healthy food, mental health counseling, clean clothes, and a safe and warm bed. Please make a donation to help me reach my goal [include link to your personal webpage]."

Example 2:
The youth who come to Covenant House looking for help have nowhere else to turn.

  • 70% have witnessed family violence.
  • 50% of our youth present with an addiction problem.
  • 43% have been in foster care.
  • 39% of our youth present with a mental illness.
  • 30% have been involved in the sex trade.

Think about ways to tie these stats to your fundraising. For example, in one appeal, consider requesting donations of $70 - in recognition of the 70% of homeless kids who flee violence at home. In a follow-up appeal, request donations of $50 - so that no young person at Covenant House has to face their addiction alone.

Help supporters understand their impact

People respond better to specific requests and they feel more connected when they know what they are helping to fund. Offer amounts and what they represent, but make sure your supporters know that gifts of all sizes are valued.

Here are some ways your donation can help the youth at Covenant House:

  • $10 provides a youth with three nutritious meals for one day
  • $70 provides three nutritious meals for one youth in the Shelter Program every day for one week
  • $90 provides drop-in access for one homeless youth to all services in the Drop-In Centre
  • $245 allows Outreach Workers to connect with one youth on the street and introduce them to Covenant House programs and services
  • $300 offers one youth 24-hour Crisis Care in the Shelter Program for one day
  • $900 provides drop-in access for 10 homeless youth to all services in the Drop-In Centre


If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Just as you are supporting Covenant House Vancouver, we are here to support you!

For Community Fundraising:

Mark Savard
Development Officer, Community Giving


For School Fundraising:

Allison Briggs
Development Officer, Community Giving

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